Be sure to also click to see Part I, Part III, and Behind the Scenes.
The second half of the show opened with the stage filled with horses and artists. All the horses are laying down! If you know horses, you know this is no small feat!
Then one by one, they stood up, stretched, yawned…
Slowly, the horses began to gather in groups of four.
All the while, this artist from Africa played and sang beautiful music!
This artist and his four buckskin horses took center stage for awhile. They followed him all over!
Ha ha ha! Part of what makes these shows so fun is that the horses are very unpredictable.
Whips are used for communication, never punishment. Think of them like an extension of the hand.
As the scene ended, the light transitioned to blue. I have to say, whenever the stage lighting went blue, I would get so excited. The blue scenes are my favorite.
Dappled light on dappled horses.
This next scene featured multiple artists doing acrobatics on rings. It was like watching midair poetry.
The artists are in top physical condition.
This beautiful dapple grey horse galloped across the scene as the artists moved in midair above.
Can we talk about their abs some more? I mean, c’mon!!!
Benjamin again with this wonderful white horse. They played together on stage, it was so fun to watch them interact.
Blue scene again! I LOVED these costumes! I will share some closeup photos of them in part four, just seeing these beautiful young women in intricately designed, doll-like dresses enter the stage on majestic draft horses was almost more than I could take!
And then, out came these four beautiful women in white, on white horses, with handsome riders…
When they lifted up in the air, my heart went with them!
One of my favorite books is “Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul” by John and Stasi Eldredge. When this scene began to unfold, all I could think of was my favorite quote from the book, “Sometimes the beauty is so deep, it pierces us with longing.” I felt a longing in my heart and soul for the eternal place where the beauty will far exceed what I can even conceive. But for now, I must call this one of the most beautiful things my eyes have beheld.
Just so you can see that costume again. So pretty!
The trick riding is really the most exciting part of the show! I think I would mostly hold my breath through a lot of it. The horses jump into the arena and go at a full gallop while the riders do various tricks on horseback. Just wait until the end of this scene, you will NOT believe what one of the riders does.
Yeah, he’s digging the dirt!
Look at that horse move!
Okay, so this guy…oh my word…just keep scrolling…
Going down…
Did I mention that this part made me a little queasy?
Aaaannnnddd…back up the other side.
Look. at. that. strength!
The more I studied these photos, the more I realized it was coming up the other side of the horse again against centrifugal force that took the most strength. I did NOT tilt this photo. The horse is leaning that far!
I would be proud too!!! (ps. Look at his arms!)
And we’re out. Come back tomorrow for even more. Hint: grey arabian horses running through water. Yes!