“There has to be a change in horse sports.
This cannot be so white.”
In 2017, I was contacted by a major stock photo library about becoming a contributor. After a call with the team, one of them spoke up and said, “We have one piece of feedback for you. We would like you to explore the idea of adding more racial diversity to your work. From your website, it looks like horseback riding is for rich white girls.”
He wasn’t wrong, so this project was born to raise awareness and support an inclusive and diverse equestrian community through equine stock images showing that horseback riding is for everyone, regardless of race.

I am currently only photographing locally in Minnesota for this project. If you are outside of my local area, I would encourage you to visit a larger group part I helped start called “The Equestrians of Color Photography Project.”
The Equestrians of Color Photography Project (EOCP) was created to amplify the voices of equestrians of color who have stories they want to share with our community. First and foremost, each of us is an ally before a photographer and is here to listen, learn, and evolve from the stories that are shared with us.
Photographers from all over the country are participating in the project. You can look for one in your area on the Photographers page.